
As an employer you want your staff to feel good. Eliminating a number of financial concerns can help. In a tax-friendly way, for employer and employee, you can ensure that the income is protected in the event of illness or death. In addition, you can give them an impetus to supplementary pension.

Starting from the first employee you hire, but also for larger and/or multinational companies.
Our dedicated team will guide you and your employees!

What can we do for you


Wage-earners always want to be able to maintain their current standard of living. When they retire later, a lot of steady income is lost. Via a group insurance for employees, they can build up a supplementary pension in a tax-friendly manner.

Secured Income

(Long-term) incapacity for work can cause a lot of financial worries for your employee and his / her environment. Protect them.

Hospitalization insurance

Protect your employee, through a collective hospitalization insurance, against high costs of hospitalization for childbirth, surgery, illness, ...


Other Insurances needed ?

Please have a look on the website of our colleagues ADD!

Life insurance

In the event of a premature death, an income is lost, which can sometimes lead to financial difficulties for the loved ones of your employee. Provide peace of mind. Death coverage should be the foundation of any retirement and precautionary plan.

Bonus plan

Do you want to boost commitment in the workplace? Want your employees to grow the company? Link to this a bonus plan for your staff that provides for an additional deposit in the group insurance when certain targets are achieved.


Let's talk!

We guide you as an employer in drawing up a package for your employees.

Whether you are in charge of an SME with a few employees or are responsible for HR within a larger company, it is important to get a full overview of the options and obligations you have as an employer. Count on specialists to ensure that this plan is always in line with both tax and social legislation.

Contact us for more info!
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