Our office


Life Plan BVBA 

Koralenhoeve 15b 2160 Wommelgem

Insurance broker under number 0426 685 281 ( 022418 A)


The register of insurance intermediaries is maintained by the FSMA,

in 1000 Brussels, Congresstraat 12-14 and can be found at


For all your questions and problems, please contact our office in the first instance.

Complaints can also be submitted to the Insurance Ombudsman Service in 1000 Brussels,

from Meeûssquare 35, tel. 02 / 547.58.71 - fax. 02 / 547.59.75 -


AssurMiFID Rules of Conduct*


Our office is obliged to comply with the “AssurMiFID rules of conduct” and will provide you with the following information in this regard:


1. Products and services offered


1.1. Information about the concept of insurance mediation


“Our office offers insurance brokerage services, ie. the activities that exist in the

advising on insurance contracts, offering, proposing, performing preparatory

work for the conclusion of insurance contracts or the conclusion of insurance contracts, or in

assisting in its management and implementation”.


1.2. Branch numbers and titles


1: Accidents;

2: Disease;

21: Life insurance

not affiliated with investment funds, with the exception of dowry and birth insurance;

22: Dowry and birth insurance, not associated with mutual funds;

23: Life, dowry and birth insurance in connection with investment funds; 26: Capitalization transactions;


1.3. Policy conditions (information from, among others, the Sector Catalogue)


2. Information on the Conflicts of Interest Policy


“The AssurMiFID code of conduct requires our office to draw up a written policy for

the management of conflicts of interest. Here you can find more information about how

our office gives substance to this”.



Duty of care

As an insurance broker, we have a duty of care to assess whether the insurance products proposed to you are adequate and appropriate. This means that we analyze your desires and needs in order to propose you the most suitable product.


Conflict of Interest Policy

The AssurMiFID rules of conduct require us to establish a written policy for the management of conflicts of interest. Below you can read how we implement this.


Legislative framework

The AssurMiFID code of conduct has been in force since 30 April 2014. They are based on the law of 30 July 2013 on strengthening the protection of customers for financial products and services as well as the powers of the FSMA and various provisions as well as the Royal Decree of 21 February 2014 on the rules for the application of the articles 27 to 28bis of the law of August 2, 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and financial services in the insurance sector and the Royal Decree of February 21, 2014 on the rules of conduct and rules laid down pursuant to the law on the management of conflicts of interest, as far as the insurance sector is concerned.

In accordance with this code of conduct, our office is required to establish a written policy for the management of conflicts of interest in the provision of insurance mediation services.

The legal regulation on conflicts of interest is an addition to the general MiFID constitution. This Constitution is respected by our office by acting loyally, fairly and professionally for the interests of the client in providing insurance brokerage services.


Which conflicts of interest?

In view of our conflicts of interest policy, our office has identified the potential conflicts of interest in our office as a first step.

Conflicts of interest may arise between (1) our office and its affiliates and a client or (2) between multiple clients. The conflicts of interest policy takes into account the specific characteristics of our firm and its possible group structure.

In assessing potential conflicts of interest, our firm has identified situations where there is a significant risk of harm to the client's interests. It's about:

•situations where profit is made or loss is incurred at the expense of the client;

•situations in which our office has a different interest in the result of the service or transaction;

•situations with a financial incentive to put other clients first;

•situations where the same business as the client is carried on;

•situations in which our office receives compensation from a person other than the client for the insurance mediation services provided;

•situations in which our office holds at least 10% participations in voting rights or in the capital of the insurance company(ies);

•situations in which the insurance company(ies) own(s) participations of at least 10% of the voting rights or of the capital of our office.


What measures does our office take?

Our office takes many measures to ensure that the interests of the customer come first. These include:

• internal instructienota;

•an adapted remuneration policy;

•a policy that ensures that the associated persons only mediate with regard to insurance contracts whose essential characteristics they know and are able to explain to clients;

•a policy that reserves the right of our firm to refuse the requested service in the absence of a concrete solution to a specific conflict of interest with the sole purpose of protecting the interests of the client;

•a plan for receiving benefits;

•a policy to ensure that all information provided by our affiliates is accurate, clear and not misleading.

If necessary, our firm's conflicts of interest policy will be amended and/or updated.


Specific transparency

If in a specific situation our measures could not provide sufficient guarantee, you will be informed by our office about the general nature and/or the sources of the conflict of interest, so that you can make an informed decision. You can always contact us for more information



In principle, we receive a fee from the insurance company for our insurance mediation services, which is part of the premium that you pay as a customer. In addition, compensation is possible that is related to our insurance portfolio with the relevant insurance company or for additional tasks that we perform. For more information you can always contact us.

In the other case, we receive compensation from you as a customer for our insurance mediation services.



The information and communication between us will be in the language chosen by you or, failing this, in the language you use when communicating with our company. You can choose between Dutch, French and English.



Our office is registered in the register of insurance intermediaries kept by the FSMA, Congresstraat 12-14, 1000 Brussels and can be found at For all your questions and problems, please contact our office in the first instance. We are always available by telephone, e-mail or fax.

Complaints can also be submitted to the Insurance Ombudsman, de Meeûssquare 35, 1000 Brussels – tel. 02/547.58.71 – fax. 02/547.59.75 – –


More information?

If you would like more information about our conflict of interest policy or about what AssurMiFID means to you in concrete terms, please do not hesitate to contact us.



* Law of 30 July 2013 to strengthen the protection of customers of financial products and services as well as the powers of the FSMA and various provisions as well as the Royal Decree of 21 February 2014 on the rules for the application of Articles 27 to 28bis of the Act of August 2, 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and financial services in the insurance sector and Royal Decree of February 21, 2014 on the rules of conduct and rules for the management of conflicts of interest established by law, as far as the insurance sector is concerned.



In accordance with the Regulation on Sustainability Disclosures in the Financial Services Sector ('SFDR' - Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation), our office takes sustainability risks into account when providing advice for insurance with an investment component, insofar as this information is made available by the insurance company.

The SFDR has defined sustainability risk as “an environmental (E), social (S) or governance (G) event or circumstance which, if it occurs, could cause an actual or potentially material adverse effect on the value of the investment”.

In the context of advice for insurance with an investment component, the remuneration policy applicable in our office does not encourage excessive risk-taking in connection with sustainability risks.


The SFDR has defined sustainability factors as 'environmental, social and employment issues, respect for human rights, and the fight against corruption and bribery'.

The legal framework regarding sustainability factors and adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors is currently incomplete and will evolve over the coming months and years.

Our firm therefore does not currently consider the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors in its insurance advice for insurance with an investment component.

Our office will review this policy as the legal framework is further developed.

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